about me
Founder Black Tiger Kali
2022 Grandmaster of the year and 2017 Weapons Expert of the Year FMAHOF (NC)
2016 Remy Presas Hall of Fame Class of 2015 Inductee

Founded by Tuhon Harold Evans
Black Tiger Kali is a Filipino Martial Art based on Tuhon Harold’s extensive training in the following systems: Tuhon Ray Dionaldo’s FCS-Kali, the late GrandMaster Remy A. Presas’ Modern Arnis, Hoch Hochheim’s PAC/Force Necessary, elements of Tuhon Rick Ward’s Sunburst Natural Fist/Sil Lum Kung fu and Tuhon/Dr Gaudiosa Ruby’s Comjuka-Kali.
In the Filipino Martial Arts, you become the art as much as the art becomes you so it fits naturally as a stand alone system of self protection as well as for your weapons and empty hands cross training needs.

Tuhon Black Tiger Kali
Here are a few Black Tiger Kali pictures!!!